

T-shirt and Merchandise Design.
Design and Photography
Saintsfest 2018

T-shirt and Merchandise Design.
Design and Photography
Saintsfest 2018

T-shirt and Merchandise Design.
Design and Photography
Saintsfest 2018

T-shirt and Merchandise Design.
Design and Photography
Saintsfest 2018

T-shirt and Merchandise Design.
Design and Photography
Saintsfest 2018

T-shirt and Merchandise Design.
Design and Photography
Saintsfest 2018

T-Shirt and Merchandise Design
for Marymount University SGA
“SaintsFest is an annual campus-wide event that celebrates Marymount’s culture and institutional values and serves as an end of the year party before students begin studying for finals and our seniors' graduate. For this spring, SaintsFest will be honoring our campus’s diversity, while highlighting local artists from the greater D.C. area and setting up attractions throughout our campus.”
Lines on the front of the shirt conveys sound waves of music. The back of the shirt models music festival posters where artists' names are aligned in a justified block of text. Ear pods represent that regardless of what genre we listen to, we all need a listening device to enjoy the music.